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Apperance Day of Srila BV Narayana Goswami Maharaja

                                    Apperance Day of Srila BV Narayana Goswami Maharaja

Srila BV Madhav Goswami Maharaj : I promise yesterday that I will discuss something from Gurudeva’s biography, yesterday where we have stopped we will start from that point. So incarnated in this world as son of Kandeep Baleshwar Nath Tiwari. He took birth in India in Bihar province in Tiwaripura. Tiwaripur means , in brahman caste they are one is called Tiwari and pur means place.In that village more than 90 percent were Tiwari Brahmins , in village all were brahmin but more were Tiwari so it was Tiwari pur. His father was Kandeep Baleshwar Nath Tiwari and his mother was Shrimati Laxmi Devi. His father was the largest scholar in all scriptures like Ramayan , Mahabharat and when Gurudev took birth it was new moon day. According to the Indian idea the new moon day is not very auspicious, whoever taken birth that day, that children will not be so qualified become thief this and that etc . mainly proverb is there he will be thief , not all will be thief is not proper mostly inauspicious. But is Gurudev birth is inauspicious  ? someone will say yes someone will say no. I can say yes, how you can tell no? Hmmm? He’s a big thief. He stole everybody’s hearts, so is he thief or not? What? If Gurudev is not thief stealing your heart then how he can you come from far distance from here and there? So it is mentioned for Krishna that Krishna is butter thief. We have one small booklet of Butter Thief. Some devotee of Krishna, he composed one Ashtakam (means eight slokas) and it is written

vraje prasiddham navanita-cauram

gopangananam ca dukula-cauram


cauragraganyam purusham namami

He is glorifying Krishna as a thief. “vraje prasiddham navanita-cauram” He is telling, “O Krishna You came in this Vraj as a butter thief.” Is it glorious that someone is thinking, is it glory for him? But which may be for Krishna is all glorifying to Krishna. Not only that. Ok, small children used to steal from his own house, some sweet or candies – it is no problem. It is pleasure for their parents but not only that. “gopangananam ca dukula-cauram” – He has stolen Vraj gopis’ dukula. “Dukula” has two meanings. “Dukula” means the upper cloth called dukula and other dukula means two dynasties. When Krishna played on the flute, He attracts and drags the gopis through His flute sound from their parents’ houses and from their in-laws’ houses – they get dragged from both sides. So dukula-cauram. Not only that, whoever has taken shelter of Krishna through His devotee, what will be the result? “aneka-janmarjita-papa-cauram” – He will steal their pāpa (sins) from so many births. “cauragraganyam purusham namami” – I am bowing down to the lotus feet of the gangster or the thief, devotee is telling. So if someone is stealing and if the police catch him red-handed, then what will they do? They will put him in jail and if he is stealing so many times then no bail, have to be in life long jail. Devotees say, “Yes, You are stealing here and there, everywhere, I will put you in jail life long.” So where is the jail? He is telling, “hridya karagaare” – “I will shift you to the jail in my heart, there is no door that you can come out.”  So someone can be known by his companions. If a king is very nice, then his subject is very nice. Like we have heard about Dharmangada & Rukmangada – they used to observe Ekadasi. The whole kingdom, including the subjects had to follow Ekadasi. In the same way, if king will be thief then his associates will be thieves. Like you know when Narottama das Thakur, Syamananda Prabhu and Srinivas Acharya – they learned by, they were taught by, they were trained by Jiva Goswamipad. They were coming back to West Bengal, East Bengal and different places to preach our Vaishnava philosophy. They had so much book stuff stolen by King Birhambir – he was a thief and his all his associates are thieves. In the same way, Krishna is a thief, then His associates must be thieves.  So if Gurudev took birth in the new moon and became a thief, no problem. He (Gurudev) is not stealing anything from here and there from houses, he is stealing only hearts. A special kind of thief is expert in special thing, to steal special thing. Like in this world also there are so many persons and there are so many doctors, so many scientists – they are expert in one art. In the same way, Gurudev is also expert in one art – to steal heart. His birth name was Bholanath. Bholanath means the name of Lord Shiva. If you make harm for Lord Shiva and if you pray to him again, you can please him immediately. Sometimes Gurudev gave the example that some devotee has heard that Shiva is pleased very easily because one of his names is Ashutosh.

Ashutosh means Ashu means very soon Tosh means being satisfied so he was doing aradhna of Shiv and Shiv fond of bale leaves and bale fruits he is doing 3 days have been passed or 7 days no result no inspiration he became very angry they telling his name is bholanath all this bogus don’tlike to do aradhma any more then he became so angry so crazy that bale fruits was there taking the bale fruit and hitting the shivling very strongly and bale cut open so many pieces then Shiva appeared from that Shivling ,” may ask any benediction ask any benediction I am very happy that you are serving me 7 days even today you give fruit I am very happy .” then devotee became very ashamed and ask forgiveness then benediction and whatever you tell Shiv he is so forgetful, innocent the will not see anything good or bad. Likewise one demon was doing aradhna of lord Shiva  his name was Bhrikasur, he saw Shiv and Parvati and saw Parvati was extremely beautiful, if somehow or other I kill Shiva then I  may enjoy Parvati, but as long Shiva is alive I cannot enjoy Parvati . He has very powerful trident. If I go face to face for fighting I  could not kill him , to somehow or other I need to adopt some process. What to do now, I need to take some benediction from Shiva that on whose head I may place my head he may turn to ashesh. If I get this benediction from shiva I will put my head on Shiva and I will enjoy Parvati. He started doing hard austerity , lord Shiva appeared infront of him What benediction ? then demon told: Ooh Shiv Ji, really you are happy with me

Shiv Ji: Yes

demon: Then what I ask benediction you get that me

Shiv ji : yes sure

Demon: I want to whom I put my hand, whose head will crack open and turn into ashes immediate

Shiva told:  ok no problem

Then he told wait a little  and said I want to touch your head

Shiv ji : what?

demon : yes, what kind of benediction you gave i will test on you,its true or not

Shiva running, and demon was chasing him very fast and Shiva became tired like

shiv goes this way and he could understand in the meantime he is realising Vishnu Vishnu remembering.

Vishnu appeared there

Shiv: Please protect me protect me

Vishnu: what happened

Shiv: Prabhu you know everything

Vishnu: Believe I know everything why without discussing without judging why you giving this benediction

Shiv : So happened, happened please save me now

bhagwan loke : you can go this way, I’ll handle the matter

Then bhagwan vishnu has form brahmachari vesh keeping shikha, kanthi mala, tilak and sitting on a padamasna and meditating and Vrikasur came: Oh sant ji oh sadhu baba, have you seen Lord Shiva

like he was very deep trans

oh sant ji oh sant ji

Vishnu: oo want happened

Demon: Have you seen Lord Shiva

Vishnu: Yes but what you want, what you do with Shiva

demon: please tell me which way he has gone

3-4 roads

which way please tell me

Vishnu: Yes  I have seen but what is the cause what you want lord, what you want to do Lord Shiva

demon told : he has given me a benediction

Vishnu: what benediction

Demon : to whom I put my hand he will fire in ashes so I will test on Shiva

then  bhagwan began to laugh in disguise of brahmachari. Oh you are foolish the great!! How you can trust on Shiva? He’s always moving on cremation ground putting the ashes from the dead bodies burnt in funeral ceremony. He’s always moving here and there by wearing a tiger skin and a snake on his neck. He’s not pure…how you can believe him!? How you can get any benediction? Bogus person! I am doing bhajan I don’t believe on him!!and how you can believe in him. If you think he has some power on his speech you can try over your own head if it is true or not.  Bhasmasur started thinking yes this is true this brahmachari is right with his opinion..so nice and argumental. If it is true why not I test it over me..as soon as he put his hand over his head he immediately turn into ashes, and from that day he was called Bhasmasur.

Krishna called to Shiva and told , ” Don’t give benediction like this anymore” . Lord Shivas name is Bholanath he’s innocent. In the same way Srila Gurudev name was also Bholanath by birth, given by his grandmother. Why this name? Because while Gurudev was  growing from childhood to boyhood he never made any kind of mischief or trouble for his parents (not throwing anything, not beating etc.) where Srila Gurudeva mother will keep him he will sit there peacefully in the exact same place without moving here and there. So calm and quiet. Even the nature of babies when they crawl and walk steal certain things keep one thing to another place here and there, but Gurudev never did such thing, and as he was so calm and quiet his name was Bholanath.

After some time Srila Gurudev grandfather told, no! What Bholanath? It is not a good name .His name will be Sriman Narayan Tiwari then they changed it to this name. However Gurudev grandmother never agreed to this name and always used to call Gurudev as Bholanath. So now when Gurudev grew more old, Gurudev father used to give classes, so many villagers used to come as he was one of the prominent person in the village. Gurudev always used to sit and listen to Harikatha classes from his Father.  Nowadays in teenage people we can see that they are very restless but gurudev was never like that he was very hardworking just like his parents. Gurudevs mother was a great poet any poetic nature we see in gurudev came from his mother and we can see that Gurudev can make poems very easily.

So now when Gurudev used to go to school which was 2 miles away by walking and Gurudev told that no one was there at that time who can overtake me while walking. Even now after 87years of age people cannot walk very fast.. but Gurudev was very flexible. Cycling , boating, running , high jump Gurudev used to be a topper in each and every sport. After primary school he went to high school, since Gurudev mother and father was a initiated Vaishnav from Sri sampraday so Gurudev used to chant as well..not Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare..Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Hare Hare… Gurudev used to chant Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare..no mention of Krishna.

Gurudev used to say that when I was chanting Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare..I used to chant 1 lakh name during my school days, and from childhood if you are fond of rice you want rice everyday and he first son of his parents when a small boy the small baby the first son expried Gurudev is second son of his parents now Gurudev is elder among his family there are four brothers and three sisters so first son of their parents more one or two years he passed so they have so much love for Gurudev because if some parents any kids expired in small age and next so much affection for he must be there so the prominent food of beard is wheat products like chapati and dal puri for so many thing made of wheat Gurudev doesn’t like he wants every day rice then he start crying and they are very big family their uncle so many uncles there so what to do now the only one son is weeping so Gurudev told  my mother want or not she was  bound to cook rice for me ,from where this child has come only want every day rice and rice then I told Gurudev because Mahaprabhu came in Bengal so you are Mahaprabhu associate so you are fond of rice no problem then Gurudev began to laugh mother all everyone became disturbed every day have to cook rice for this boy what kind of boy is this but no excuse I am the first only one kids no more kids bound to cook and one more thing they told when in high school at the time is British period means British was ruling India and India got independent 1947 15th August and Gurudev  joined in math 1946 Gurudev  told although I have to learn English but I was so disturbed and I hate British they ruling our country I will speak with their language don’t like at all and in high school the head teacher he used to teach English and Gurudev  was first boy sitting on the first raw of the bench I fall asleep because Gurudev  told that two cause one is that Bengalis  after lunch they should take some rest this is one reason another reason I don’t like English at all so for two reason I used to sleep but he is so strict but he never chastised me and for others also after lunch little rest is better even in China they have discovered that after lunch you take some rest they can work more so in China they allowed after lunch take one hour rest from government yeah so then Gurudev  passed high school and he start teaching and as he is a be sports champion but he was very present minded so there is some selection for police, Gurudev  also selected in police department because he sports champion so I ask how they interview you yes they will speak some word some sent have to repeat their sentences.

They told I was speaking English language so much. So what they are telling, I am not listening at all. Only when he spoke and how he was moving his lips, I saw….who was…began to laugh and passed to me. [laughing] Like when Gurudev and myself became American citizens, then we had to take oath ceremony. So many Chinese people were there – they don’t know English even one sentence or Spanish. So they were reading. They gave a paper and we had to read with them. Madhu mother  was there. I was not there during the oath ceremony because my interview was on the same day, so I could not come early in the morning. So many – when my oath ceremony came, I have seen also. some people they don’t know English  at all. So Gurudev he was not reciting anything. What he, his movement of the lips. Only [shaking his head], what he told nobody knows and he passed and moreover, there is big playground have to run from one end to another end and have to come  back again. Gurudev thought that so many were there and thought, “I may defeat everyone or may not be and each came from different different places of Bihar. Gurudev thought, “I have to adopt some tricks that none can defeat me. So in the beginning, I will not speed up. I will go slow and I can save my energy.” So what he did? There was a very big playground so running very slow. Still he was in the middle of the crowd. After that, so many went to the other side. When coming back and Gurudev also after a few seconds he turned back and then sped up and he became first. Then somebody told that, “No he did not go to the end.” “No I went to the end. If not then I can start again. I will see who can run with me. Gurudev told, “I know, I have full energy. Who are running, they have not full energy – they could not compete with me.” Ok then other entire office said, “No it is true; he is the first.” So many got selection but Gurudev..…[laughing] Gurudev did not know Bengali at all. So before joining the Math he came Matha through Srila Bhakti Kamal Madhusudan Maharaja. One disciple of Srila Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada, at that time his name was Sri Narottamananda Brahmachari. Prabhupada’s disciple is very expert in Bhagavat. His voice was also so sweet and he gave lectures so argumental and so nice. So he used to go preaching. Gurudev joined in 1946 and Pujyapad Tirivikaram Maharaj joined in 1943. Pujyapad Tirivikaram Maharaj came through Pujyapad Bhakti Kamal Madhusudan Goswami Maharaja – at that time his name was Narottamananda Brahmacari. He preached so nicely and came into the Matha and my Guru Maharaja joined in 1930; eight and a half years old at that time. 8 years and seven months or 8 months. 28:00 to 31:00

[Devotee asks a question, not audible] …..Maharaj left this world…maybe…ya beginning of 90,1991 like this. Because I have taken his darshan also in mayapur, I went with Gurudev. So Gurudev did 7 years of service in the police in Bihar. Srila Narottamananda Brahmacari went for preaching with some devotees In Bihar province. At that time, the head of the police was in Bihar, Mr Mukharjee. He was a religious person so he hosted Pujyapad Narottamananda Brahmacari and that head of the department of police used to love Gurudev, so he invited Gurudev. Gurudev went there, listening to class. Gurudev did not know Bengali at all. This discussion was going on in Bengali but Gurudev listened very carefully, not understanding once sentence still listening very carefully. So after class, the speakers means Srila Narottamananda Brahmacari asked Srila Gurudev, “What is your name?” Gurudev told, “Sriman Narayana Tiwari.” Srila Narottamananda Brahmacari asked, “Have you followed anything?” Gurudev told, “I don’t know Bengali at all. They are discussing in English.” After that, he used to give one to two hours to Srila Gurudev, discussing with him in English. In this way, about one week he was there always speaking with Gurudev for one to two hours in English. Then Gurudev’s mind had been changed completely. Gurudev thought, “What to do? Why do this service? Better I can quit this service then I will go to the Math and live there.” He used to write letters to Param Gurudev and Param Gurudev used to dictate letters to my Guru Maharaj addressing Gurudev as “Tiwariji”. So Gurudev had never seen them and they had never seen Gurudev, only by correspondence with letters and he told his departmental head, “I want to quit my service. I want to resign my post.” His departmental head asked, “Why so? You are so nice. Very soon you will get a very big promotion.” Gurudev told, “No. I…” His departmental head asked, “Do your parents agree?” Gurudev said, “Yes my parents agree. I want to start a business and in that business so nice, there is no loss, only profit and profit.” What kind of business was that, his departmental head could not understand. Because in bhakti it has been told , “Whoever comes in Bhakti line, will never go in vain.” Even if you maintain a little bit of Bhakti then you can become free from maya, means free from birth and death. It has been mentioned,

sva-pāda-mūlam bhajataḥ priyasya

tyaktānya-bhāvasya hariḥ pareśaḥ

vikarma yac cotpatitaṁ kathañcid

dhunoti sarvaṁ hṛdi sanniviṣṭaḥ

“sva-pāda-mūlam bhajataḥ priyasya”- Krishna is telling, “If someone is doing bhajan of My lotus feet; if he has any bad mood that comes in his mind, then even Maharaj Yam cannot touch him. I will enter My devotee’s heart and I will purify him.” He (Krishna) controls Maharaj Yam, Death Personified – Maharaj Yam cannot do anything. So many examples are in sastra. Whoever starts Bhakti, even due to his weak heart, he gives up this line and goes to material life, whatever Bhakti he did will never be lost. So Gurudev heard all these things from Pujyavananda Prabhu that he wants to start one business with no loss but only profit and profit. He never told his parents, not his uncle, no one. He wrote one letter who is supposed to get pension. He wrote his cousin’s name in the letter and ran away from there. Not only Gurudev, whoever joins the math, their parents never donate their children – all run away from their house to the Math. Even Mahaprabhu ran away from his house being Bhagavan, what to say about ourselves.

Gurudev knew the address that he had to go to Nabadwip  but he had never been to Nabadwip. He had never seen the Math. So he came to Nabadwip and there was no light at all – it was all dark or maybe at that time there was no electricity there at Nabadwip station and he never wrote any letter to Param Gurudev that, “I am coming” but Param Gurudev sent my Guru Maharaj (Vaman Goswami Maharaj) with a lantern. He was searching and calling out, “Tiwariji, Tiwariji, Tiwariji!” Gurudev thought, “Who is calling Tiwariji, Tiwariji?” Gurudev said, “Yes I am Tiwariji.” Guru Maharaj asked, “You are coming from Bihar and want to go to Nabadwip Devananda Gaudiya Math to see Bhakti Prajnana Keshava Goswami Maharaj?” Gurudev said, “Yes, how did you know?” Then Guru Maharaj told, “ I used to write letters on behalf of Guru Maharaj. He used to dictate and I used to write.” Then Gurudev did pranams to him and both of them came to Nabadwip Math. Gurudev became surprised, “I never wrote any letter to tell when I will arrive and get off from the train onto the platform. I was thinking where to go, how to go? It was completely dark. I have never been to this place. It was completely new for me and no one was there to ask anything. I don’t know Bengali. What to do now?” Look, whoever has a sincere heart, Bhagavan always arranges for them. Gurudev thought, “How my Guru Maharj knew that he sent Sajjan Sevak Brahmacari to pick me up from the railway station and went there.” After that he started to live in the Math and when Gaura purnima came, he received Harinam and Diksa – everything took place in one day. Gurudev told the policeman , “you have few servants to help me , to serve me ,now I became servant of all math Vasis , I have to clean utensils, at that time they didn’t have gas , any imagination of gas , they have to cook food by using woods .. because of which the utensils get more black and that they have to clean after that for 2-3 nights they have to clean LALTEN and put kerosine oil and have to make everyday. This was his duty in the beginning, gradually their duty increased . Some people were there as bad elements , read it in newspaper that an Australian girl in Vrindavan , she got shot by a gun , one devotee was telling to Gurudev yesterday that he’s supposed to leave his family and go live in Vrindavan still we don’t know how many scoundrels are lurking in Vrindavan , Gurudev was coming with him to Vrindavan is a nice thing but still it is difficult to go and live there in this situation , like that Australian girl was a devotee who was living there since last 12 years and still got shot down in the head , her brain got completely shattered . In the same way in Navdeep dhaam, there are some bad elements and at that time we have cows there for which we need some dry grass . Some people started useless quarrels with math vasis . Gurudev ji didn’t spend any time quarrelling and there was a big bamboo there ,he took that bamboo and hit few times very badly , that person completely laid on the ground and then entered the math. At that time the person in charge was Narhari prabhuji. Narhari used to love Everyone like mother . He said to Gurudev ji “ what you did ?! Now everyone will come and beat you …. So you can go under the bed and don’t come out “ . Gurudev hid himself under the bed and put cloth upon him . So many people came but could not find Gurudev . No one was able to find him and they went as it is . If there is any injustice, I could not tolerate , what will happen in future, I never think . Gurudev hit so bitterly , there was wound at the back of the head of that person and blood was coming all the way . After this incident , Gurudev ji became servant of param gurudev . The more there are servants of Param Gurudev, the more service gets divided. Among many servants , three are prominent . My guru was expert cook and Gurudev also became expert cook . Gurudev used to use some extra oil because so many god brothers of param gurudev was there , they all became very happy , “ this boy cooked very nicely!” , they exclaimed , and after few days only , one container oil got finished . Then Gurudev told to math incharge that “ Prabhu, I need oil again !” …. Math incharge said “What? You need oil again?” Param Gurudev was there and become very angry, “Only a few days and you finished all the oil?” Some Godbrothers of Param Gurudev told, “Yes, if you want to eat very nice food, oil is needed. Without oil, only by water food will be not tasty. Everyday you are praising this boy, ‘You are cooking so much’ so he needs to use a little bit more oil.” [Madhava Maharaj laughing] All the Godbrothers were joking so Param Gurudev could not be angry anymore so he supplied oil again and told, “Don’t use so much oil anymore “,and I have tasted once, cooked by Gurudev, so nice. In India on 14 January on Poush Sankranti or Poush Parvan, a certain tithi, he used to go for begging in Mathura and they would give us Khichdi, means dal and rice mixed together. By this, we can use it for a few months for our breakfast. So everybody had gone, only one devotee remained there who would cook for Srila Gurudev and take care of the dieties. At that time, Tirtha Maharaj used to cook for Gurudev but he had to go also, everybody had to go. Myself, Tirtha Maharaj who was the seniormost, we requested him to stay there. He was also a very good cook. He was my younger brother by janma prior to me. I joined in 1979 and he joined in 1972. He was there and one more devotee was there who is taking charge of Dharmashala (guest house), he was Gurudev’s Godbrother.

Gurudev asked, “Nandan, what you are doing here? You are not going for begging?” Nandan prabhu said, “No.” Gurudev asked “Why not?” Nandan prabhu replied, “I have to cook for yourself, have to cook for dieties, have to offer Them. Devotees will come, I have to cook for them.” Gurudev said, “No no no, you go also!” Nandan prabhu said, “If I go then when I will cook for you? When I will cook for deities? When I will cook for devotees? When I will make offering?” Gurudev said, “I don’t want to listen. Go!” Gurudev telling again and again. He become disturbed and he also did pranams to Gurudev and walked out and said, “Gurudev I am also going for begging.” Gurudev told, “No no no, no need to go.” He went out. Then Gurudev called Kunjabihari, “Kunjabihari, I was only chastising Nandan, he became angry and went for begging. So what to do now? All my children will come after 2 o’clock, 3 o’clock. So when they come, they will be very hungry, have to arrange something and have to cook for deities also. What to do now?” [Madhava Maharaj laughing]. So Kunjabihari became helper and Gurudev became head cook. Gurudev cooked a huge pot of khichdi for us and when their cooking was almost finished, Nandan prabhu came back and cooked for Gurudev and offered to Thakurji and fed Gurudev. When he came back, Gurudev was resting. Nandan prabhu began to laugh and asked, “What happened? Who cooked Khichdi?”. They told, “Gurudev has cooked, so tasty that khichdi. Even lunch cannot finish and dinner will be Khichdi.” All of us, we asked Nandan prabhu, “What happened?” He said, “Go and ask Gurudev, I don’t know.” Then Gurudev told, “I was chastising Nandan, so he became angry and ran away, so I had to cook.” [Madhava Maharaj laughing]

Now Gurudev in the Math. Param Gurudev had his own personal assistant, his name was Ananga Mohan Brahmachari. His origin is Assam. His voice was so nice and played the mrdanga very sweetly. He was affected by Tuberculosis disease. At that time, it was hard to survive from Tuberculosis disease. No one was there to take care of him. Param Gurudev had to go for preaching and Gaura purnima was coming in a few months. If he will not go then so many devotees will come, how will they be maintained? and had to spend a lot of money. At that time not so much medicines. What to do? He was vomiting blood and Param Gurudev used to clean by his own hands. Then Gurudev told, “O Gurudev, you can go for preaching, I will take care of Ananga Mohan prabhu, no problem.” He took care. He took him to Madras along with another devotee. They admitted him there and he was nourishing him. When his last time came, last breathing, he was telling, “O Baba”. He always used to call Param Gurudev (his Gurudev), “Baba, Baba” never Gurudev. “Baba” means father (spiritual father) “Baba Baba”, he used to call always. “Oh Baba Baba, Radha and Krishna are calling me in Vrindavan, Mahaprabhu is calling me, Radha Krishna are calling me, very loudly speaking and Gurudev called doctor, to check his pulse but there is no pulse, how come there is no pulse no symptom of life, how is he speaking and and still alive, then doctor asking to Gurudev (Narayan Maharaj), “Oh Prabhu you are going to Vrindavan, Radha and Krishna are calling you so please bestow upon me your mercy, that Radha and Krishna call me as well one day in Vrindavan, doctor was touching his feet and Gurudev kept saying Oh Baba, repeatedly saying Baba Baba, I gave the photo of his Guru Maharaj (Keshav Maharaj) on his chest, holding that he kept on saying, “Baba!!, Radha Krishna is calling me, Radha Krishna is calling me, hare Krishna hare Krishna” and he passed away like that.  So after that the doctor came and said there’s no way for him to survive anymore.

Pujyapad Srila Trivikram Goswami Maharaj told me so many times, that your Gurudev (Narayan Maharaj) captured the heart of Srila Param Gurudev Bhakti pragyan Keshav Goswami Maharaj by very nicely serving Anang Mohan Prabhu, Keshav Maharaj got very pleased, and his heart got captured completely by him (Narayan Maharaj)

Between Trivikram Maharaj, my Guru Maharaj (Vaman Maharaj) and my Gurudev (Narayan Maharaj) had so much intimacy among three of them, but Pujyapad Trivikram Maharaj and Gurudev always used to keep fighting so many times (more like pulling their legs, in a joking way), arguments that increase the loving bond between them.Those who have seen in Navadvip Dham Parikrama at samudragarh, they can understand. So whenever that argument was going on Param Gurudev (Keshav Maharaj) always used to take the side of Gurudev (Narayan Maharaj). So many times I have heard it from Trivikram Maharaj directly, him saying “that anytime, anything happens, your Param Gurudev (Keshav Maharaj) even without judging what is going on, he will take the side of your Gurudev, even if he is not correct in the argument still Keshav Maharaj took side”. Then I asked why so, Gurudev (Narayan Maharaj) said, “that in Gaudiya Matth, all are Bengali speaking only I was Hindi speaker (non Bengali speaking), maybe Gurudev (Keshav Maharaj) thought that if he would chastise me, I might run away, because I was a policeman in my earlier life, very hot tempered, and not Bengali speaking, I did not knew Bengali, so I may run away from Matth, so it might be a reason that he never chastised me, always taking my side (laughs). But then won’t Trivikram Maharaj’s heart be hurt by your Gurudev (Keshav Maharaj)? Then Gurudev and Trivikram Maharaj both began to laugh..

Gurudev told that my Guru Maharaj (Keshav Maharaj) knows very well, that how much ever he chastises Trivikram Maharaj, Trivikram Maharaj will never ever run away from Matth but it may be possible that I might run away if I was chastised, because Keshav Maharaj knew that Trivikram Maharaj was mature enough, and will not leave Matth so easily.

So by this way they used to always keep fighting with each other. And now as time passed, so many things happened, and now the time has come for Sanyas. So Param Gurudev ask my Guru Maharaj(Vaman Maharaj) about Sanyas but he refused to take it, saying there are so many high class of Sanyasis and I am very junior to them like a small baby, in front of them a baby will not take Sanyas. Then Param Gurudev called Pujyapad Trivikram Maharaj, because my Guru Maharaj had joined Matth first and then pujyapad Trivikram Maharaj, so now even Trivikram Maharaj refused to take SDanyas. Then Param Gurudev called my Gurudev (Narayan Maharaj) also, and he also refused to take Sanyas, stating that there are so many high class of sanyasis and I am not qualified to sit with them.  Then one of the disciples of Srila Prabhupad, his name was Bhakti Kushal Narsingh Goswami Maharaj, he called all three of them. He said your Gurudev wants to give you sanyas, so you are not going to obey your Gurudev’s order?? What kind of disciples are you?

He(Bhakti Kushal Narsingh Goswami Maharaj) was the uncle of my Guru Maharaj (Vaman Maharaj), brother of Vaman Maharaj’s father. Then he did a little brain wash, and asked all three of them, “go and tell your Gurudev that now you will take Sanyas, whatever he wants, you all will do”.

He made them understand the situation for taking Sanyas very nicely, sometimes by chastising, sometimes in a nice manner.

Then when they all went to Param Gurudev (Keshav Maharaj), Param Gurudev again asked them to go and think again about taking sanyas.

Time is running very soon, Param Gurudev asked again will you take sanyas or not??

Gurudev (Narayan Maharaj) replied, “yes Gurudev, I don’t know what is sanyas or not, but whatever you like, I am a puppet in your hands, if you want to make me naked and run on the road, I can do that. If you want to put me in sanyas or paramhans vesh, I am ready to do that, whatever you like I will do that.

Then Bhakti Kushal Narsingh Goswami Maharaj told my Guru Maharaj (Vaman Maharaj) and Trivikram Maharaj, what will you do, if you don’t, then he (Narayan Maharaj) will take it alone, then both of them replied, “okay we will take sanyas as well”. So all three of them took sanyas in 1952, (and Pujyapad Swami Maharaj took sanyas in 1959). So after sanyas, Param Gurudev (Keshav Maharaj) appointed Gurudev (Narayan Maharaj) as the Matth commander of Mathura.

In the beginning of Mathura math, not like nowadays, it was completely dark, if you have to enter inside it’s just dark and dark there is no light to go in. Even when he came it was the same position, and whenever we used to invite others like Mathura wasis, inhabitant of Mathura, they refused to come to hour math. If somebody agreed to come, some other person would say, “no no no, don’t go there, these are Bengali people, they know so many Mantras, they can make you pigeon, or make you crow, so don’t go”. So many of them used to do this. Even the people coming now these days, now you should tell them…

So in the beginning when we joined everyone had to memorize Shloks, and whatever lesson Gurudev taught you had to learn that lesson, and then he would ask everyone. If you are unable to answer in the next class, then you keep standing the whole lesson. So one day he would give concession but next day, full stop, the person would not get any Prasad.  If you do not come in Mangalarati then no breakfast served, if you fail to come in Mangalarati the next day as well, then no breakfast and no lunch would be served, if you fail to come to Mangalarati for the third successive day, then whole day complete fasting, no prasadam would be served in either breakfast, lunch or dinner and if we did anything wrong, Gurudev would beat us, not only beat but beat very bitterly. In this way, Gurudev trained us. When someone comes to the Math, he is bound to learn how to do Arcana. After being expert in Arcana, then he had to cook himself. Cooking and Arcana. Not only that, he had to complete one round also. After cooking, he had to cut vegetables himself and cook and Arcana. After a few days, he had to cut vegetables, cook, Arcana, offering bhoga and had to distribute to Vaishnavas also. In this way, Gurudev trained us how to maintain the Math also.

There are so many things to tell – what is coming into my mind first, I am telling. As before, Srila Gurudev, Pujyapad Srila Trivikrama Maharaj and Guru Maharaj Srila Vamana Maharaj used to travel by train only, they had no money to travel by airplanes. So once my Guru Maharaj and Pujyapad Trivikrama Maharaj were in Mathura and they had to return to Bengal. So Gurudev sent me to reserve their tickets. I reserved their tickets and their departure took place one month later. There was a mistake in the booking. I don’t whether the mistake was done by me or by the ticketing office, I don’t know. What may be, it was my mistake – I went for booking. After taking prasad, the train was at 10am. They took prasad and went to the train station. They arrived there before 9am and even before we had cleaned, before Guru Maharaj had gone, we were all sad. All of us were very sad. They would be gone for a long time and now we became very unhappy. [Madhava Maharaj laughing] So after 10am, at 10.30am the news came, they checked the tickets – no one had seen the date. Even my Guru Maharaj said, “No one checked the date.” When the train was arriving, the ticketing officer checked the tickets and said, “No, this is next month.” They were surprised and came back. When we saw Guru Maharaj coming back, we thought, “What happened?” We became very happy. I thought maybe the train was cancelled but not…[Madhava Maharaj laughing]. Then we came to know that the booking mistake was by Navin Krsna Brahmacari. [laughing] Gurudev became very furious. When they came, we prepared their beds and everything. Guru Maharaj told, “Navin, come.” I went there. Guru Maharaj said, “Don’t go out of my room and stay under my bed. When Srila Narayana Maharaj calls you and be angry, don’t go out from under my bed today. Be always under my bed.” In Mathura, Gurudev’s room was one side, there was one courtyard and the other side was my Guru Maharaja’s room. Trivikrama Maharaj was sitting on a chair outside of Guru Maharaja’s room. Gurudev was calling, “Navin! Navin! Navin!” He became very angry. Guru Maharaj told me, “Navin, don’t go.” [laughing] So on the one hand, Gurudev was calling me and on the other hand, Guru Maharaj was telling, “Don’t go or he will beat you bitterly.” [laughing] So I could not go out. Gurudev was running towards Guru Maharaja’s room. Trivikrama Maharaj said, “What do you think? You will beat my son?” Trivikrama Maharaj rolled up his sleeves (as if getting ready to fight) and said,  “Ok, come on! How good a policeman you are, I will see. Today, you will wrestle with me, If you defeat me, then you can touch my son. Otherwise not.” When Gurudev came out from his room, Trivikrama Maharaj ran towards him, “Come on!” For about one hour, I never went out of the room. After that, when everything subsided, I arranged a new booking for new tickets and they went.

Before, Gurudev used to take some snacks in the afternoon at 4pm. He liked dry roasted chipped rice. Because he had gastric operation, he was not allowed to be on an empty stomach for a long time, we had to give him something to eat. In Mathura at Vishram Ghat, there was one shop where they made very nice chipped rice. I brought from there and filled up a big glass bottle. They used very cheap paper. At that time in Mathura, there was no attached bathroom; everybody had to go to the same bathroom. So Gurudev went to the bathroom, I did not know and I used the paper and blew it like a conch. A very big sound. “What? Who did that?” Gurudev found me red-handed. I thought he would beat me so I ran away from there. Now the courtyard is still there but at that time, there was a two and a half feet wall there for the entrance door to come into the courtyard – there was an iron rod there. So Gurudev was chasing after me to beat me. I was running very fast, like Mother Yasoda running after Krsna. Krsna was running in a zig-zag way, Mother Yasoda could not catch Him. I was also a very good runner so Gurudev could not catch me. When Gurudev would come very close, I immediately turned and ran another direction, so Gurudev could not catch me. The other Brahmacaris became so scared that they closed their room doors, watching through the windows because if they laughed and Gurudev saw, Gurudev would beat them. So no one was coming to protect me. Gurudev threw his wooden sandals, and threw the wood for cooking. Still he could not hit me and could not catch me. About one hour, Gurudev was doing this. After that, he became tired and went back into his room and drank water.  In this way, this happened. So many things happened in Mathura.

There were a few Brahmacaris who were a little naughty. At that time, there were so many sparrows who used to come and disturb the prasadam. What they would do was they would keep the door a little open and scatter some rice. And when so many sparrows went there, they would close the door. They would catch the sparrows and apply red colour, blue colour, green colour and they would let them free. When they flew away, the birds with one colour were not allowed to mix with the group of another colour or they would attack them. After one or two days, then they would make friendship. They had fun like this. In this way, Gurudev caught them. [laughing] and every day, Gurudev would sit after prasad, near the deities, a small room was there for class where Pujyapad Swami Maharaj took sannyas – Gurudev would sit on a chair in that place. I had to sit with him and chant 2-3 hours with him.

Like this they spend in Mathura and very strict so from what Gurudev want till everything even when Hari Priya prabhu, Pundarik and others join in matha at that time we are not beating anyone because he used to tell we are so fortunate now like if you come my age my time then how we are bhramachri how can we tolerate in matha I’ll see he used to tell them and then once  Krishna das small age he join about 10 years old he joined matha 10 or 11 years Gurudev put him school, he has to go school but Krishna das doesn’t like to go school but Gurudev order have to go he became in school one day one devotee told to clean his cloth he soak his cloth he’s cleaning washing the cloth and there’s no other bathroom same bathroom gurudev found him that he’s not go to school seeing Gurudev slap him and he became scared could not speak anything, from  that day  they never beat him anymore and so many stories now when iskcon they had a court case against BBT that son of Pujyapad Srila Bhaktivedant Swami Maharaj did court case that my father was a businessman and now I am owner of BBT somebody inspired him to do that he filed, suit a case against iskcon in Kolkata high court but ISKCON devotee for their betterment transferred the court case from Kolkata to Bombay he was sanyasi who’ll prove during his sanyas initiation my Gurudev was there he did everything so Gurudev had to go for witness in the court so I was new at that time one two years only 2,3 years have been passed only not 2 years even also mainly two years less than that the beginning of court case I don’t remember 2, 3 years or more I don’t remember my mathvas but I was newcomer among all group I don’t know how many years at that time in math so then Gurudev had to go they arrange Gurudev ticket Gurudev fly to Bombay and they did very nice treatment but they don’t know how to Gurudev serve don’t know that Gurudev became very sick and Tirtha maharaj at that time there was Subanand bhramachri went to airport there’s not ,only one ticket for gurudev and somebody fly with him from ISKCON Ttirtha maharaj coming from there weeping weeping very bitterly came back from airport he could not go with him after 3 months again court case 5,6 sanyasi had come to invite we have to go again Gurudev told yes I’m ready to go and they sent gurudev back by train not sent by flight then we collect from Mathura railway station after nourishing serving him about one month he became completely cure so three months they came Gurudev became agree to go there again in Bombay Premanand prabhu ,Nandan prabhu ,Tirtha maharaj , Subanand prabhu so many are there about 12,13 person are there at that time math and among them I was the newest one I told no allow go to Gurudev anymore, Gurudev became suprised they ISKCON devotee 6,7 Bhramachri sanyasi big  red red they became suprised and our bhramachri became very surprised very scared, he is new among us now he decided  to talk infront of them even we are fearing to go infront of them because Gurudev is very strict then.  What is the cause they ask I told as before gurudev went there although you did very nice treatment, Gurudev became sick just to no reason curing took him one month. I don’t allow him to go , they don’t know how to go to court case I don’t like for court case if Gurudev really want to go you’ve to purchase two ticket yes yes no problem we can purchase two ticket not only that you have to purchase ticket by Gurudevs name and one name of our bhramachri yes not only that you have to purchase up down ticket yes not only that you have to hand over ticket in beginning to us then you can go by like in India as before it was allowed any ticket anyone can go no ticket have to give to us we will hold the ticket both up and down then we can beleive you guys otherwise not beleive okay and not only that whoever will go he’ll market he’ll cook for Gurudev what Gurudev eat we know you don’t know . All they did yes yes yes okay when you bring ticket then you’ll be agreed next they brought ticket up and down for 2 person then when they went away from math all bramachri they held a meeting and told how bold and desperate is this new boy better to send him with Gurudev to Bombay then he can deal with them otherwise we could not deal with them then they told Gurudev if you go then he’s the best then Gurudev told he’s new but no problem even we are going fearing to go infront of you and all of them how desperately speaking arguing with them and defeat them even ticket they bound to brought for tickets up and down to for go and coming back let him go he can deal with them okay then from today you’ll travel with Gurudev no problem I went then what the vegetables I collect from their restaurant and I go to market by myself and I used to purchase and everyone should take some Gurudev mahaprasad after that the sanyasi they told oh why one day I’ll take prasad , even one day I’ll take prasad all they like Gurudevs mahaprasad, my cooking said we have to invite 2,3 person everyday I became very happy no problem they used to help go marketing this and that I newcomer completely that is good market they take me they helping me this way so many times Gurudev have to go in court case I’ll cook early in the morning Gurudev will go with Tamal Krsna maharaj after taking prasad and come back again in evening time by this way I went to Gurudev with so many times in Bombay court case after that finalised and today also  I’ve to go already 9:00 clock so tomorrow will be Vyas puja, day after tomorrow, today is fourth , seventh is Vyas puja and 7th is our last class?( talking to devotees) What maybe

In vyas puja day we will sit on there with  asan on the edge like we did in Hawaii there two queue one male another female they’ll offer pushpanjali and their presentation one group will go that way and one group this way then have to be very quick otherwise advantage to sit lone time too much for him he’ll come again in evening class so in morning he’ll come about 10:00am between 10:00am – 10:30am before that we all come and do kirtan and as soon as he come did puja of his Gurudev and Guruvarga first then you give Gurdev feetbath and arati then we’ll give pushpanjli to him by queue two at a time one gents one ladies , lady will be that side or any side they can choose and offering and go this way like this way , hare Krishna I’ve to go back I don’t mind okay I’ll try I’ll try  ( taking to devotees) because Gurudev told me you’re giving class you’re not giving other chance to class I told no they are giving class also but in morning I come if I go then more people do they choose to put me in morning class yes only you give class only you give class I told no they call me what can I do

After breakfast about 10:30am give class so requesting to come as much as possible to join in class because now you’re a little hungry so if I hold you more then you’ll be angry may not be coming her class so I don’t want to hold you so long time take your breakfast then you’ll be satisfied to come in class again, Hare Krishna .

vancha-kalpatarubhyas ca, kripa-sindhubhya eva ca. patitanam pavanebhyo, vaishnavebhyo namo namah.

Feb 05, 2008,  Australia

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