
Prabhur pad-padmeyor seva ya praja cchati – Srila Prabhupad

Prabhur pad-padmeyor seva ya praja cchati – Srila Prabhupad

Srila Bhaktivedant Madhav Goswami Maharaj : Current time is the time of computer science, also the time of nanotechnology, artificial intelligence. We all use various smart gadgets like smart phone , smart watch , those who are 65+ doesn’t know much about smart phones their 9-10 years age grandsons, granddaughters are well trained in using  smart phones and can easily help their parents or grandparents in learning the functionalities of it.

Gurudev to the audience, right or wrong?

Audience responded as yes.

In current times and all over the world highly intellectual giant or modern children are being born.Either today or tomorrow these modern kids will come to us asking that there are so many acharyas who are being born in India then why Srila Bhaktisiddhant Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada is known as Prabhupada ?

Now listen properly that what answer you are supposed to give it these modern kids asks about Srila Bhaktisiddhant Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada..you will be bound to give them the answer of it.They will not be like today’s ordinary kids ,they will need a perfect answer or explanation for every question they ask.. as we a know that a child’s father is sleeping internally in every child’s heart. When they will grow old they will surely ask various questions,so let me help you up in answering all their concerns with great accuracy..

We need to know that who can be refer to as Srila Prabhupad? What he has given to us? What is his valuable contribution for this society? This question will surely arise in future that who is Srila Prabhupada and what is his significant contribution for the society..

Prabhupada is a sanskrit word if we divide it as half, (Prabhu-pad) it will be, “ Prabhu pad-padmeyor seva ya pajyati iti prabhupadah “Those who gives us the wonderful seva at the lotus feet of Prabhu is known as Prabhupada.

Now another question may arise that which prabhus seva is been given to us..let me explain this and along with this why we should call him Srila Prabhupada.

Any sadhak /sadhika can call or entitle his/guru as Prabhupad and there is no harm in it..not even against the shastras and other puranas. You will also see that Srila Rupa Goswami is also called as Sri Rupa Prabhupada …however why is Srila Bhaktisiddhant Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad is mostly referred to as Prabhupada what are his valuable teachings ?

Prabhur pad-padmeyor seva ya-pracchati is Prabhupad. Which prabhu? Let’s discuss it from Sri Chaitanya Charitamrit and Chaitanya Bhagwat, where ” ak mahaprabhu r prabhu dii jon dui prabhu sebe mahaprabhur charan”

In this kaliyug one is Mahaprabhu and two other prabhus who are serving sriman Mahaprabhu. First siksha is to serve prabhu ? Which prabhu? Here prabhu refers to Sri Advaita acharya prabhu..why? As per the normal nature or swabhabik vritti of a sadhak/sadhika is that they will definitely do guru seva by hook or by crook! But they will not do vaishnav seva so easily this is why Srila Prabhupad gave us this first valuable siksha of vaishnav seva as “Chariya vaishnav seva nistar peyche keba”. It is not said that “Chariya guru seva nistar peyche keba” ..okay so..Sri Advaita acharya is the only vaishnav in Panchatattva..don’t we have any other vaishnav..? Let’s discuss..

It is said that “Vaishnava naam yatha sambhu” who is Sri Advaita acharya he is Sada Shiv himself ..this is why the first teaching/siksha is to serve Sri Advaita acharya and since Srila Prabhupad gave this wonderful siksha of seva for serving Sri Advaita Acharya to all of us he is considered as “Prabhupad”

Second siksha is “Vaishnava ebe Guru” which means Vaishnav is/matraye Guru, there can be that whoever have given me diksha mantra is my Diksha Guru and others in this this whole world are my siksha guru even the lord also is my siksha guru. Thakur Bilwamangal has said,in Krishna Karanamrita that “siksha gurus ch bhagwan sikhi puchha mouli” in whose head there is a peacock feather is my siksha guru.

So what teaching Srila Prabhupad gave us here , prabhur pad-padmeyor seva ya praja cchati. Prabhur pad-padmeyor or the lotus feet of prabhu is being told here.. which prabhu? Sriman Nityanand Prabhu .

Who is he?

Sriman Nityananda Prabhu is akhanda Guru tattva and he is being referred as the sevya prabhu or the one who needs to served. Srila Prabhupad gave us this siksha to serve sriman Nityananda Prabhu.

So, what is the benefit of serving sriman Nityananda Prabhu? Also how can I be in direct contact with God?

The answer is it will never happen directly..as Bhagwan himself told tha , “ prathamam ta guru pujya

Tathascaiva mam archanam .”

Bhagwan says hey sadhak you want my prem? Please go and serve your Gurudev and worship him. After you make him happy take his permission and then come to me, you will be successful otherwise not.

So, what Srila Prabhupad did , he gave us the valuable siksha of serving Sriman Nityananda Prabhu . “Prabhu pad-padmeyor seva ya praja cchati” ,who gives us the opportunity to serve in a pure and complete way.

Third point, who is Mahaprabhu? Mahansch- prabhusch.. he is grand and Prabhu. In kaliyug who is the upasayya bhagwan .. kalau sankirtana ya prayyai yajanti e sumedha saha ..those who are devoid of any sin or aparadha, whose intelligence is pure , and always been in good association what should they do.. yagya sankirtana prayai yajjanti sumedha saha …through harinaam sankirtan yagya they should serve sriman Mahaprabhu, as who is Mahaprabhu he is the only Kaliyuga Upasayya.

So Srila Prabhupad Saraswati Thakur by engaging us in the service of Sriman Mahaprabhu is considered as Prabhupad or prabhur pad-padmeyor seva ya praja cchati is Prabhupad.

Let’s come to the 4th point, Sriman Mahaprabhu being swayam bhagwan never said us to worship him and always taught/guided/ motivated us to serve Sri Krishna (Prabhu tava pada yuge mor nivedan).

So what Srila Prabhupad did here …he gave us the siksha on how to serve bhagwan Yashoda Nandan Sri Krishna this is why he is considered as Prabhu pad-padmeyor seva ya Praja chhati.

Time and tide wait for none. Who is the upasayya of all Gaudiya-gan. Srila Prabhupad Saraswati Thakur have said in Sri Chaitanya Anubhasya that those who worship or do aradhana of Srimati Radha thakurani only they are termed as Gaudiya. So, by this Srila Prabhupad does he wants to give us the service of Srimati Radha thakurani? Yes absolutely, this is why he is called Prabhupad.

Now anyone of you can question me that Srimati Radha thakurani is Femine based word how can we term it as Prabhupad which is Masculine based word. This is a contradiction how will we term it as Prabhu. So let’s come to Srila Vyasdev who said “Shakti Shaktirmateyo abheda”

Shakti and Shaktimaan has no difference. Whoever has been to Barsana, Vrindavan there in every place it is is written as Ladli Maharaj not Maharani. Till date there is no audacity of any acharya who will go and change from Ladli Maharaj to Maharani. This is because there is no bhed or difference between Shakti and Shaktiman.

Dec 29, 2024 Siliguri

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