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Disappearance Day of Srila Visvanath Chakravarti Thakura

Disappearance Day of Srila Visvanath Chakravarti Thakura


First of all, I pay my humble obeisance’s unto the lotus feet of my param Aaradhya guru paadpadma Om Vishnupad paramhansa swami ashtottar shat Sri Srimad Bhaktivedant Srila Vamana Goswami Maharaj and Om Vishnupad Paramhansa Swami ashtottar shat Sri Srimad Bhaktivedant Narayan Goswami Maharaj, I pay my humble obeisance’s unto the lotus feet of my spiritual grandfather Sri Srila Bhakti prajanan Keshav Goswami Maharaj and Sri Srila Bhaktivedant Swami Maharaj and entire guruvargas and I pay my dandwat pranam to all Vaishnav and Vaishnavi’s who have assembled here and our guests who are present here today to encourage me speak some harikatha.

Yesterday was a very nice tithi, it was Basant Panchami and tithi of Vishnupriya devi, Srila Raghunath das Goswami and Vishwanath chakravarti thakur. So today we discuss about Srila Vishwanath chakravarti thakur (talking to devotees) so about Vishwanath chakravarti thakur, our gaudiya guruvargas are telling he is the incarnation of Srila Rupa Goswami pad, what Rupa Goswami pad did, he did the same thing (talking to devotees) .

So Vishvnath chakravarti thakur did a Marvelous job for our sampraday. In one side, he is a very rasik, topmost vaishnav during his time and on the other side, he is very very tatvagya, knows all Tatvas. It is  mentioned in the scriptures that when inside someone’s heart, bhakti manifests, all Siddhant manifest automatically. So when Krishna manifests there, all tatva are bound to manifest there. So what vishwanath chakravarti thakur did for our sampraday and for us, I am giving a description from two sides. Once, due to harassment of Muslims, the Vrindavan pujaris became very worried, on how to maintain sri vigrah seva. At that time in jaipur there was great vaishnav, gaudiya vaishnav, he came with his chariot and added so many chariots to take the deities from Vrindavan to Jaipur. He took Sri Govind Dev, Sri Gopinath, Sri Madanmohan, Sri Damodar, Sri Radha Madhav and Sri Vrinda devi to Jaipur.

So from Vrindavan to Jaipur is a long distance so he stayed one night in Kamyavan. In kamyavan, vrinda devi came in his dream, Vrindavdevi is the presiding deity of Vrindavan dham. She is arranging all pastimes of Krishna especially Madhur rasa pastimes she is controlling, she has a remote control in her hand and for other rasa pastime, including madhur rasa, it is Yogmaya devi. So Vrinda devi came in his dream and said, “Oh king I will not go out of Vrindavan, let me stay here, so Vrinda devi is still staying in Kamyavan and beloved Srila gurudev, Srila bhaktivedant Narayana Goswami Maharaj, he prayed to Vrinda devi and brought her(Vrinda devi deity) in Roop Sanatan gaudiya math in Vrindavan Dham, he established Vrinda Devi in Rupa Sanatan Math. So what happened, all the deities went to Jaipur and prominent ones Govinda dev is still there,from his palace when he woke up through his window he could see Govinda dev, while ruling the country he did not know so many shastras, although he had  very strong faith and in that area were so many Ramanandi vaishnavs they  one day told king that Oh king do not allow to worship Radha Krishna together ,why not, because Radhika is not married to Krishna. When you have a wife you have international license you can travel with wife anywhere in the world you can share international license with international driving license you can drive anywhere in the world but if not international you cannot, in the same way if someone is your married wife that means you have international license so ramanuj scholars told to not allow to keep Radhika with Krishna. Not only that second point tied to the Dwaparyug Treta yug so lord Ram came in Treta yug so do not allow to keep Govinda in a prominent place, third argument you were offering prasad to Govinda dev first but from now onwards you have to offer Lord Ram first otherwise you have to argue with us, debate with us, what could king do ,the king agreed then he sent a messenger to Vrindavan dham, at that time Srila Vishwanath Chakrawarti thakur was the top most Vaishnav in Vrindavan. Messanger came and gave pranam to Chakravarti thakur and he  told him everything, Chakrawarti thakur said that oh I am in an advance age and I have taken vow of chetra sanyas (when somebody takes vow that rest of his life I will live in dham, like Navdweep dham, Gaura mandal, Jagannath puri dham, Chetra mandal, and Vrindavan dham, Vraj mandal ,in any dham you take vow of not leaving that dham for rest of your life it is called Chetra sanyas) not leaving safron cloth no danda nothing his vow is chetra sanyas. So Chakravarti thakur told that he had taken Chetra sanyas, I will not spend overnight other than Vrindavan and I am in old age so I cannot travel so much so now what to do .”

Vishvanath Chakravarti Thakur is saying his disciple, Sri Baladeva vidyabhushan prabhu and one more person with him and Baldev vidhyabhushan prabhu was very lean and thin like myself very slim. So they went there, seeing them, the king said, “Fie on us, Fie on us”, what to do, Chakravarti Thakur could not come and has sent someone who is lean and thin, what can he do.So now he held a meeting, like a big assembly. Ramanujiya vaishnav, so many are there, very healthy looking, big big turban. On one side, there are so many and on the other side only Chakravarti Thakur’s disciple, Sri Baldev Vidhyabhushan and one assistant. Now the debate started, Sri Baladeva vidyabhushan prabhu told, he was cutting each and every point put against them one by one. You are telling that Radhika is not married wife of Krishna, so she is not allowed to stay. So in this continuation, Srila Gurudev (Narayan Maharaj) gave some analogy which I will discuss later on. He(Baladev Vidhyabhushan) asked, “who said Radhika is not the married wife of Krishna? and moreover, the creator of this universe, he told in Brahma samhita

“ananda-chinmaya-rasa- pratibhavitabhis-

tabhir ya eva nija-rupataya kalabhihi

goloka eva nivasaty akhilatma-bhuto

govindam adi-purusham tam aham bhajami”.

Radhika and all Gopis, Krishna himself manifested into those forms (like a reflection).

If somebody is playing with his reflection, what’s the harm? No problem!! Like yesterday, we were discussing Krishna was playing with his own reflection, seeing his own reflection and playing with it. Moreover for the wedding ceremony, you need fire, you need Brahmin, you need ved mantras.

Who is the greatest brahmin than four headed Brahmaji himself? No one else!! He is the topmost brahmin, he came from Garbhodakshayi Vishnu’s Naval and appeared in the lotus. So when Krishna was a small boy, very young boy, he manifested so many past times in Braj. What happened, one day Radhika and Krishna met each other under  Bhandirvat, Brahmaji was passing through. Brahmaji abode is Satyalok, another name is Bramhalok and he had one holiday home in Pushkar. Like a wealthy person’s holiday home, it is a beach house, in the same way, who is more wealthy than Brahmaji, so hence Brahma’s holiday home. This idea of holiday home or beach house came from Brahmaji (laughs).

Not only that, each and every Yuga, there are some Mahamantra. Like Kali Yuga mahamantra – what is that Mahamantraa? (asking a devotee). Hare Krishna, you don’t know? Ya, tell. (Devotee: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare). Yes this is the Mahamantra of Kali Yuga. In the same way, Satya Yuga has a different Mahamantra, Treta Yuga different, Dwapara Yuga different, Kali Yuga – all have different different Mahamantras. So even in Treta Yuga, Lord Krishna’s name is there. Then they are telling in Dwapara Yuga, the name of Ram is there in the Mahamantra.  Baladev Vidyabhushana was thinking, “Yes, let them come in my trap.” Then he told, “Yes Ram is there. Ram is Krishna, no other else. Like Sita Devi, she will not see or touch anyone else even in her dream other than Lord Ram. In the same way, Radhika, other than Krishna, She will not touch anyone or sit next to anyone other than Krishna. Then he told, “vaidagdhi sara sarvasva, murti liladbhidevatam, sri radha ramayan nityam, rama ity abhidhiyate” Who is vaidagdhi? Very clever, Krishna is so clever. He is telling everyone that, “You know, I love you more than anyone.” She is so…..clever none can understand. “murti liladbhidevatam” – the embodiment of pastime lila. Lord Ram is called Marayada Purushottam but Krishna is Lila Purushottam because He is the embodiment of pastime, embodiment of lila. “sri radha ramayan nityam, rama ity abhidhiyate” – who is eternally giving pleasure to Radhika, His name is Ram. Here in the Mahamantra, Rama means Krishna. Radha Ramana Hari Govinda Jaya Jaya. There are two – Radhika is Radha Raman so Rama means Krishna.

By this way, he refuted them. Now they could not get any point. Now they are telling, “In what sampradaya you are?” “Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya Sampradaya” The Gaudiya sampradaya has no commentary of Vedanta Sutra. Unless and until any sampradaya has no commentary of Vedanta Sutra or Vedanta Bhasya, Brahma sutra they are not to be considered a sampradaya. “Where is the commentary?” Then he told, “Madhvacharya has made two commentaries.” They don’t care about that. You are …. Gaudiya. Then Baladev Vidyabhushana told, “arthoyam brahma sutranaam bharatah …” Srimad Bhagavatam is the natural commentary of Vedanta Sutra, no need for any commentary. “We do not agree with that. You have to show Gaudiya bhasya.” “Ok, you have to give some time.” Then they gave one month time. Baladev Vidyabhushana Prabhu said, “ I need one month time.” They told, “No, one week only. Because it is not possible to write even one commentary in one month, it takes years. Then Baladev Vidyabhushana Prabhu, when the sabha is postponed then he came and surrendered to the lotus feet of his Guru Vishvanatha Chakravarti Thakur. Loyalty is the key of success. The more loyal you are, the more simple and more sincere to Gurudev, the more you can advance in Krishna conciousness. So loyalty is the key of success. You may have love for others, but more than Gurudev, you are not Vaishnav. You are not get mercy of Krishna very easily . You always have to be loyal to your guru…. No doubt, but the supremacy of Gurudev will be there, so pray to Gurudev and Vishwanath Chakravarty Thakur is called Alpa/vinod Manjari in Braj of Radhakrishna are not simple; after that, he found Govind Dev and asked Govind Dev, What do you like? Whether he wants to stay with Radhika or wants to stay separate from Radhika, it’s your matter, not mine. Think for yourself; look before you leave. What you will do or not… this is for commentary, then you have to separate from Radhika forever, and your puja will not be beginning if you see this; this is your matter. Only I’m giving some suggestions. You think because…he is a very near and dear disciple of Chakravarty Thakur. Then Krishn is telling, Kuru kuru bhavishyati. Kuru, you can do it. No, I don’t do it. kuru kuru bhavishyati He has to … Okay. One night he manifested that if he wrote commentary, it would be named Govind Bhashya because Govind Dev inspired it in his heart. So the commentary name became Govind Bhashya. What one month to one week next day he presented, all were surprised. Oh my goodness, so fast you learned, scholar. …… How is it possible? Even if someone constantly writing cannot do that for so many days, in one week we give one because he cannot do it overnight. Then we became winners. Later on in the future, no one can raise their finger in Govind Bhashy; then later he wrote two more commentaries to support Govind Bhashy. One is called Kuru Bhashy. Another… something… two more; they are more difficult, harder than Govind Bhashya. As Gurudev translates, I provide him quickly each and every day. Gurudev translates from Govind Bhashy Sanskrit to Hindi. What to do then? The pandit could not tell anything. Anything establishes that Radhika is the eternal consort of Krishna to show others to please other Radhakrishna. There is no need to marry again; they are married already by Brahma Ji, and Krishna is Swayam Bhagwan. He took from Bhagwantam the first evidence and on Brahma Samhita. So they all became surprised  very lean and slim person. He beat all of them again because they keep separate  Radhika and Govinddev . Radhika came  left the side of Govind dev. Again, the first worshipping and the first Mangala Arti were taken from Govind Dev due to the mercy of his Gurudev Vishvnath Chakravarty Thakur to establish this. Through his disciple, he did a marvelous job. Now I’m saying the other side. For fallen sadhaks like myself, what will it be?

Other side Vishvnath  Chakravarty thakur he wrote so many books and so many commentary of Bhagawat gita, commentary of Srimad Bhagwattam, commentary of Ujjwal mani so many their commentary without commentary couldn’t understand so, commentary needed so Vishvnath Chakravarty wrote one book called Madhuraya kadambini , he  told on arthas before nistha bhakti bhajan so many stages aado shardha, tato sadhu sang, Anatha nivritti, nistha ruchi,aasakti, bhav, prem before nistha call anisthita bhakti then so many stages are there called like Utsah mayi, Ghantarala, budho vikalpa, niyamak chhama, vishay sangra, tarang rangini this six stages utsah mayi being become barrier to say . Roop goswami talk told in Updeshamritam utsaha that you have do very enthuastic and seen so many devotees all over world when the iskcon very enthuastic gone and this that and after some time then they gone down not good  I have to be always enthuastic. So being in iskcon there is coming out of iskcon  being iskcon is also going down and in beginning so much enthusiasim and someone will got harinaam from gurudev do this do that not so serving after they after he go down. GivIng example like a small baby now go on parents same school they got one very nice beautiful colour book a for apple , b for ball , c for cat, d for dog, e for elephant, f for fox like this showing and very good going to  school in  the school madam Awww very good boy very good boy going every day before time ready I have to go school utsaah mayi when got initiation harinaam then very enthusiastic after some time now the madam giving home task difficult couldn’t complete it . He got chasticised next day not coming out of bed mother calling why have to go Ummmmm Ummmmm covering face what happened utsaah mayi no ghantrala thick and thin ghan means thick tarala means thin so what enthusisim there bhakti now become some time thin some time thick small boy to go school now go on as go on thick now became thin so ghan trala then budho vikalpa in decision what to do, what not to do, so doing bhajan it mention in the scripture when somebody over 50 to give responsibility of family like to children and doing bhajan both husband wife sometime both being in house bhajan but detach of material life like living friend and sometime going the forest, forest means like vrindavan, braj mandal, chhetra mandal, gaura mandal as before the forest some manty facilities to take fruits so many now it is nothing so to dham some time husband wife both going sometime alone going sometime one staying home so hearing this  what shall I do  my parents are too old what shall I do I shall serve them or run from  here to have to do bhajan . Couldn’t take any strong decision. “No no no, I cannot go. My young wife is very beautiful, how can I give her up? No no no no no, there is too much attachment, I have to go.” He thinking, “No, my children is speaking broken language. If I go, who will take care?” Again after some time, this is called guna vikalpa. Then niyamagrahah – niyamagrahah means, niyam means rule and agrah means attachment, so much attachment for rules. Another meaning of the Niyamagrahah, according to sanskrit grammar. Niyam + Agrah – niyamagrahah means too much attachment for the rules but for what purpose, not focusing on that. Like it is mentioned when you are worshipping, you are not allowed to give up worship halfway. But if Guru comes or any highly qualified Vaishnava comes, you have to give up archana, come and do pranam, take permission from him then go back to worshipping. If not, then it is a big offence. “No no no, it is mentioned in the scriptures if Guru or Vaishnava comes also I don’t care, first I have to do that.” So once we were in Mathura. At that time, financial condition was not good because we used to go for collection after Ekadasi day, twice a month. They would give us some chapati flower, some rice, this and that, some money. So many were calling us to come, full moon day, new moon day, other day. We used to tell Gurudev and Gurudev said, “No, you are not to go. I did not collect you to make money, to collect money. “Then why did I give up my police officer job?” Gurudev asked, “Why you gave up your job and came to me? For making money? No. You have to maintain an austere life. This is ashram, you have to do that.”

So once Gurudev went for preaching. At that time, other Mathuravasis told, “No,(My name was Navin Krishna Brahmacari at that time.) he will stay, have to paint this and that and Gurudev had paint allergies, so you are not allowed to stay.” So Gurudev went for preaching then we did. So we completed. First we did Gurudev’s room. Three, four days gap then the smell would go away. Then we did other place. All Mathuravasis and I had to be the pujari at that time. I had to do pujari seva also. So I was offering bhoga and in the meantime at night, Gurudev came. “Gurudev has come! Gurudev has come!” I was about to offer then I covered the plate and opened the door for Gurudev. I did pranam then Gurudev asked, “Why did you open the curtain?” “I told Krishna to wait a little because Gurudev has come, let him serve.” Gurudev smiling and said, “Ok, you can go and serve.” So if I didn’t paid my obesiences to gurudev it will be niyam agraha which means too much attachment for rules and regulations but for what purpose!? We are here to please Sri Hari Guru Vaishnav and to maintain the rules and regulations if we are unable to please Sri Hari Guru and Vaishnavas that will never be fulfilled. Gurudev felt very happy and told , go and offer it. I went and offered bhoga and brought the mahaprasad to Gurudev as I was his sevak.

So another niyam agraha is I take or follow some rule but cannot maintain it ..such as I am taking a vow to chant 32 rounds everyday 64 rounds or more everyday but cannot fulfill it. While we continue to keep our promise sometimes we may feel unwell and due to any other cause like headache we couldn’t maintain our chanting. So taking a vow and cannot maintain it properly is a example of niyam agraha. Next is Vishaya sanghara which means fighting with the object of senses. Sometimes we are defeated by our own senses and sometimes we overcome and win. Then taranga rangini, this is the stage like the big big waves of oceans symbolises the big big waves of desires in our heart, and we are the sailing ship over the waves we have to maintain it accordingly. So in these 6 stages each and every sadhak will be there. When we overcome all of it and is called nistha. What is nistha?

It is mentioned in scripture, “Nasta prayesu abhadresu nityam bhagvata sevaya bhagavate uttama shloke bhakti bhavate naisthiki” Nasta prayesu abhadresu ( abhadresu means unwanted things/ anarths like so many anarthas are there, I am not going to much detail of it however if you want to read please refer to Bhajan rahasya and madhurya kadambini) so if I tell one after another you will be puzzled hence I am not discussing it now. So nasta prayesu abhadresu when almost all anarthas and unwanted feeling are disappeared and cleared and Nityam bhagvata sevaya which means we have to serve Bhagwat, now Bhagwat is of 2 types, one is granth bhagwat another one is bhakt bhagwat. We have to serve both Granth bhagwat and bhakt bhagwat .

What will be the result of it? Bhaktir bahavati naisthiki then nistha will be there. Now bhakt bhagwat is of 2 types and granth bhagwat is of 2 types which is our Chaitanya bhagvat and Srimad Bhagavat. Chaitanya bhagwat contains the past times of Chaitanya mahaprabhu and srimad Bhagavat contains the past times of Krishna and bhakt bhagwat is of 3 types – Murchit kasa,  nirdhut kasa, prapta parshad bhagvat deha. I am not going to details,so granth bhagwat two types-chaitanya bhagwat and Srimad bhagwat, Bhakt bhagwat three types-M urchit kasayi means some fault are there but in latent position like when Narad rishi in beginning stage, when his mother expired he did bhajan in forest because forest is mode of goodness then,but we should have sadhu sanga but Narad ji was in forest,so this is the fault ,why, to teach us we have to hanker for sadhu sang always,then Nirdhut kasayi, all faults wash out completely like Sukh dev goawami then prapt parsad bhagwat deh, attain the parikar means associate body of Krishna, Naradji reached third stage when he gave up this world and became associate then we get steadiness in bhakti,nishta means steadiness,so Chakravarty thakur is steady in this, now I will come to another subject of Chakrvarti thakur,so in his Chamatkar chanrika,he wrote so many Krishna’s pastimes. Radhika is krishna’s eternal consort. Radhika has sulky ,contrary mood Chandrawali has submissive mood Radhika and her group in contrary mood. Radhika becomes sulky from time to time, sometimes with cause and sometimes without cause. Without any cause, Krishna can break her sulky mood very easily, but when it is with cause, it is very difficult.  Radhika and Krishna are sitting together, without any cause Radhika became sulky and just walks away, Krishna is calling her, but she isn’t listening. Then Krishna remembers Yogmaya, because in a forest there is no boulevard or highway, probably more like a zig zag way and somehow or the other, when people walk, there is a small path made with their foot marks, (like if you see the map, with rivers and other related information is depicted with just one type of a line), in the same way and both sides it is forest. Radhika is going away, Krishna remembers Yogmaya and yogmaya made a very big black Cobra snake and put it in the path taken by Radhika, while going away from Krishna. Seeing the snake coming towards herself (Radhika), she ran and grabbed Krishna with her arms around him, sulky mood got broken because it was without any cause. But sometimes Radhika becomes sulky due to Krishna going to Chandravali and others. Here, Krishna tried his level best but couldn’t break her sulky mood. What to do, what not to do?? So without seeing any way of getting Radhika out of her sulky mood, Krishna one day came in the disguise of a Brahmin boy and came to Javat and starting saying Alakh Niranjan – Alakh Niranjan, like we say Hare Krishna, Hari Bol, Radhe Shyam, Jai Sri Krishna, when Brahmins go to houses in Mathura for begging alms saying Jai Sri Krishna, Radhe Radhe like this. Jatila and Kutila were making cow dung patties at that time and seeing this nice Brahmin boy (Brahmachari).

Jatila was making cow dung patties, her hands and feet were dirty, so she had to wash them, had to complete this. The Brahmin boy said, “I don’t have that much time. I can only stay for the time of milking of a cow then I will go. If I go, then all your auspiciousness will go with me.” Jatila said, “Wait a little, wait a little.” Then she told Radhika and Radhika said, “No, I will not go to give any bhiksa to other person today you are telling and then criticising me all over Vraj, I don’t like.” Jatila said, “Oh my daughter-in-law, if you will not go then all my auspiciousness will go with him.” Radhika said, “I don’t care, I will not go.” Jatila requested Radhika again and again, “Go with your sakhi.” Radhika said, “Ok.” Then Jatila again went to make cow dung patties.  According to Vedic tradition, when a married lady goes out, she will cover her head and face so that none can see her face. [Madhava Maharaj demonstrating by putting his cloth over his head and face.] By doing this, she can hardly see 1 to 3 feet maximum in front of her. Radhika was coming like this, all the sakhis were there. When She came to Krsna to give alms, Krsna, in the disguise of a Brahmin boy, was telling, “I don’t know whether you are male or female. I have to see your face and I will take alms from a married lady, not an unmarried lady.” Hearing His voice then She understood. The sakhis and Radhika were smiling. Krsna in disguise of Brahmin boy said, “I will not take these alms. I need your sulky mood.” In Vraj when you go for begging alms, they will give one full plate of chapati flour, a little rice, a little vegetables, some turmeric powder, some spices, a little ghee. She brought all these and poured everything onto Krsna’s head, took her veil off, smiled at Krsna and went away. This was described by Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakur in Camatkara-candrika.

Hare Krsna. vāñchā-kalpa-tarubhyaś ca, kṛpā-sindhubhya eva ca, patitānāṁ pāvanebhyo, vaiṣṇavebhyo namo namaḥ. Now Arati.

Any questions, please mention. Any doubt, please speak out. Tomorrow morning, we are leaving from here to Kuala Lumpur – one day there then we will go to Manila, Philippines. And then one week, I will go to India and go for Bengal preaching because in our Nabadwip Parikrama, about 40,000 kilos of rice is needed. 6-7 sannyasis are going to collect for 3 months and they will collect all the rice. Oil was 2,250 kilos last year and potatoes about 1,050 to 1,100 bags – one bag contains 50 kilos. So many things, like peanuts 3,000 kilos for Ekadasi and Gaurapurnima in this way and I am requesting you all to come for Nabadwip parikrama. If not, come for Vrajmandal parikrama. Srila Gurudev’s deity will be installed on 2nd Nov in Govardhan. We are trying our level best to do on 17th March in Nabadwip but depends on artists. Artists told it is too early for me to make very nice. May not be possible to make it in time for Gaurapurnima in Nabadwip but it is sure in Vrndavan during Vrajmandal parikrama on 2nd Nov in Govardhan, Gurudev’s deity will be installed. So if you don’t come this year, then come other year. And I have one more request for all the devotees. If you want to know about Gurudev, any siddhanta, read Gurudev’s biography Srila Gurudev, The Supreme Treasure. 2 volumes have been published, 2 more volumes supposed to be, gradually it will take place.

Devotee: Have you got have any copies, Maharaj?

Maharaj: Because of weight constraints, not possible. Whoever comes, they can bring. ……. [not clear] prabhu was the main chief editor. I could not bring any copy for him also. So whoever comes, they can collect. Jagannath book also, Nabadwip or Vrndavan and bring for you and for your friends and relatives. Very beautiful book.

So far, so long, no book about Jagannathdev has been published in any language. It happened due to the causeless mercy of Gurudev. I wrote about Jagannathdev and my chief editor is Tota Gopinath.

Ok, now Arati.

Date: Feb 02, 2016, Melbourne, Australia

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