
Glories of Srila Jiva Gosvami


Tomorrow is the Appearance Day of Jiva Goswami. From today only we are discussing regarding him, just like in the morning we did. I am continuing what we did in the morning.

Srila Jiva Goswami, Maharaj was saying…. We cemented a place so that the bad workers from outside does not come in and contaminate. In the same way, Jiva Goswami is guiding our sampradaya. Otherwise, the apasampradaya can come and they would have destroyed the views, the notion, the philosophy of our sampradaya. Oul, baul , Karta, Bhajanta,accept all of them. They are apasampradaya. They delivered it in such a way that nobody could even point it.

The whole of the world is indebted to Jiva Goswami. I told the Sat Sandarbha. Gopala bhatta Goswami presented it in a way of kārikā, means in brief – this is what Gurudev (Srila Madhava Maharaj) said in the morning. In the form of kārikā, Gopala bhatta Goswami presented in the form of kārikā, means briefly presented. Then Jiva Goswami presented it in a form of a subject. We first have to know sambandha-jnana, relationship with Krsna. What sambandha means, we have to know that. Jiva Goswami Sat Sandarbhas – the main subject to this is Krsna. What is my relationship with Krsna – we will have to know that first. We need to establish our goal first. Why we have come to the temple? Somebody being in the Math. We are doing bhajan to get Krsna prema. Krsna prema are of many types. Sakhya prema, santa prema, dasya prema, vatsalya prema. Santa prema is also there but that is in latent position, like if something is dormant.

In Braj, there is no suddha dasya prema. In Braj, they are serving but they are having vatsalya rasa in them also, like “Datta Patra”. Servants will never take Krsna in their lap. They cannot kiss Krsna or their Lord. Krsna is not famous in Braj as Bhagavan. He is a mischievous boy in Braj, a mischievous son of Nanda, nothing else. Krsna is happy with that. Otherwise people call him but with kirtan he is happy. If Krsna will do some mischief, Citra Patrak, they will scold Him that, “We will complain regarding this to Nanda Baba.” Those who are having dasya rasa will never scold their Lord, they cannot do that. They cannot take Him (their Lord) on their lap; they cannot kiss Him. There, the dasya rasa they are having is dasya mixed with vatsalya rasa. Sakkhya ras “Krsna is my sakha.” They feel like that. “Krsna is my friend.” “Oh, are you better than us? You are not better than us. If your father has 9 lakhs (900,000) cows, my father has 1,100,000 cows. So I am not less than you.” This is the feeling difference of Krsna and his friends. Krsna says, “I am the only son of My father.” Sridama says, “I am also the lone son of My father.” “I am not less than you.” Krsna says, “Oh,0 everybody runs after Me.” Sridam is saying, “Oh, everyone runs after you and you run after my 2 beautiful sisters. So how are you better than me?”

So when they used to go for go charan in Braj, means cow grazing, they used to divide into 2 groups. With one group there can be no play, you need to have 2 teams. One group leader is Baladev Prabhu, the leader of another group is Krsna – team captain also. It was decided that the one who will lose will have to lift the player from the other team, go to a certain point and then turn back. Krsna climbed on Sridama; Sridama held Him. Krsna said, “Oh run, run, my horse. Run.” Sridama cannot say because he has lost. Again they started playing. Now Baladev Prabhu’s team won, Krsna’s team lost. Sridama said, “I will climb on this black guy, Krsna.” Sridama climbed and said, “Oh, I was your horse that time, now you are my horse. Now run.” “Sala” generally is a slang word, a foul word, but it also means sister’s husband but it has nothing to do with the second meaning over here. Here, Sridama is using it as a foul word, they also say that in Braj. Krsna is having Sridama on His shoulders. And then He threw Sridama away from His shoulders. Due to whose name fear personified also fears, today He is fearing His friends and running away. He is scared of His friends and running away. He is scared that, “Sridama might beat Me.” Sridama caught Him and threw Him on the ground, pulling Him. Krsna said, “Oh Dau, help me!” Sridama said, “Oh Dau will help You now? That time You threw me.” Dau came and said, “Sridama, I will lift You twice on my shoulder. Leave Him.” Sridama said, “No! He will only have to lift me.” This is how sakhya rasa is in Braj. Why did Mother Yashoda tie Krsna? Yashodaji wants Krsna to become a good boy, so to teach Him discipline, she tied Him. Because He was doing something which was wrong, so she punished Him. Up to 5 years of age, the kid needs to be loved, a lot of love. After 5, slowly slowly start scolding him when he does something wrong up till 12. At 13, now he is kishore. 13 to 19 is teenage – teen teen teen teen (thirteen, fourteen, etc) – teenage starts from 13. When he has become 16, now stop scolding him otherwise he will not care for you. When he turns 16, you need to act like like a friend to him, not son, then he will understand you. So Mother Yashoda wants Krsna to become a good boy, so after He crossed 5, she started scolding Him a bit, punishing Him also. Vatsalya rasa means “lalan palan” – it means nurturing, taking care, giving food, and “tadan” means to scold also, punish when something is done wrong.

So in all these relationships, if you link yourself with Krsna, that is known as sambandha-jnana. Linking yourself with Krsna in some relationship. Abhidheya means something that needs to be done – duty. Krsna prema, to get it, the path that you follow, the practice that you are following to attain your aim, which is Krsna prema. You will have to do sravanam, kirtanam…naturally, to get Krsna prema. Abhidheya is the upaya – the practices that you follow to get Krsna prema – they are abhidheya (sravanam, kirtanam, vishnoh smaranam, pada-sevanam, arcanam, vandanam, dasyam, sakhyam, atma-nivedanam).

first example, like in the desert when the sunshine falls on the sand, it shines very brightly and due to latent heat it feels like there is water, (a mirage is formed). Second is viprajasa when you try to realise some object thinking of some other object, like your body will feel like this is me or having the knowledge that a rope is a snake.

Next is sanshay, what is sanshay? ( Giving example) like Radharani is going for a walk (abhisara), Krsna is also going for a walk but nobody knows, so what do the Gopis do? They cut branches of a tree and it feels like there is a person, Radharani gets scared in this way (they are teaching others), Srila Gurudev’s constitutional form in the Divine Service of Sri Sri Radha Krsna Conjugal is Raman Manjari and his services are the abhisara seva . So this is bhram means, like it is a tree and not a person but Radharani gets scared thinking it was a person (so this is sanshay)

Pramad means then your mind is not careful like you’re sitting in the lecture, but your mind is not here thinking about something else like maybe you’re getting a mobile at a very low cost in the market and you are thinking about it, if your mind is not with you then the errors of knowledge from five senses (sparsh gyan ,Shravan gyan) etc. will not be correct and the information received won’t be correct because your mind is not here, Srila Gurudev used to give this example like the person who makes arrows(bow and arrow) is so much concentrated into it that even if a “marriage procession” passes right in front of him, he won’t even get to know it passed just then because his mind was only into making the arrows and not looking beyond that.

If someone’s mind is not here, the whole train will pass in front of him but he will not know whatever happened because his mind was not there.

What is vipralipsa? Propensity to cheat somebody

Karnapatav means Imperfection of senses .These 4 flaws are present in humans(jivas).Leaving “Shabd” praman aside, all other 9 evidences have these 4 errors/flaws in some way or the other and we can’t consider them as the mool praman, or “the original evidence”.

Pratyaksh means whatever you grasp from your 5 “Gyan indriya” or sense organs(eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin). It cannot be possible whatever you perceive from these sense organs, is going to be 100% accurate, Why? You can not depend on Pratyaksh knowledge. Like someone has got jaundice, when Jaundice is at its climax, the person suffering from Jaundice sees everything yellow, but it doesn’t mean white has become yellow, or blue has become yellow, that can’t be possible. But the patient sees it like that in that stage and also anything you taste, it tastes bitter. Be it anything sweet like Rasgulla, Banana, Rasmalai, etc, anything you give, it tastes bitter to the patient. But because he is tasting it like bitter, doesn’t mean it has actually become bitter. So Pratyaksh(that you see or your feel directly) Praman, cannot be considered correct in all situations. Anumaan Praman, means to try to sort one object in some other object based on the history or memory formed by seeing another object earlier. Wherever there is fire, there is smoke . Whenever Srila Tirth Goswami Maharaj did Fire Sacrifice, there used to be smoke rising. So from far away you can see the smoke is going up that means Fire is somewhere near over there. Like when you cook in the kitchen, fire is there and smoke is around too. Not what happened one day, we see is if a wood log is burning but someone threw water onto it and the fire was extinguished completely but still a bit of smoke kept coming out of it, so there is no guarantee that if smoke is there then there will be fire for sure. Another example, in the winter season, 2 saintly persons were going, one of them yawned and a bit of mist came out of his mouth, seeing which the other person started thinking, “Oh this person smokes??!!”, when actually the mist is just due to water vapour and not the person smoking in real. So this type of Anumaan Praman(Inference evidence) can also not be accepted fully under all circumstances.

Next is Arsh Praman, which means opinion of saintly persons, many men many mind!!

When Parikshit Maharaj was cursed by a Brahmin (Brahma-Shrap), many Saintly persons came to him and asked him to do either Fire Sacrifice, or Gain Spiritual Knowledge, or Do eightfold mystical Yoga. Srila Shukdev Goswami said listen to Srimad Bhagwatam and in the end, Shukdev Goswami narrated Bhagwatam in front of him and everyone agreed to it as well. So, opinions of many saints cannot be considered correctly at the same time or all times. Like Srila Gurudev used to give this example, When you go to a doctor then he will give you some prescription, some medicine, do some check ups and/or some laboratory tests, and if you go to some other doctor he will give some other medicine, some other prescribed tests. So many men, many opinion. The one who Is more elevated, he will be more accurate, much better than other ones, but still depends.

Now Upamaan Praman, to compare one object with another Let us say for example, someone never saw a deer.For example in Vraj, there is a Nilgai(Blue cow) . Maybe somebody never saw a deer. Like in braj, we have Nilgai. The offspring of the Nilgai looks exactly like an offspring, baby of a deer. If he has never seen a deer, he will consider, “Oh, this is a deer.” When the deer grows, he gets horns on the head and the Nilgai has 2 horns that are very small . “Nil” means blue, “gai” means cow. It’s not really a cow; it’s a wild animal and when the Nilgai grows, it becomes blue. So to compare some object or to think about some object comparing some other, that is known as “arthapatti”. If something is famous you cannot deny it but you don’t know the reason. Like somebody says, “I don’t eat in the day” but he is still healthy; that means he eats at night but never saw but for sure he eats, otherwise how is his body fat? He should eat.


Gurudev used to give the example. One person used to do Nirjala Ekadasi. He used to go to Yamuna to take bath always on Ekadasi. Why? To drink water. Somebody may think, “Such a big sadhu. He does Nirjala – no water fasting and see how much respect he is having for Yamuna, so much love for Yamuna, he goes to Yamuna and take bath always.” Why he goes there? To take water. Who is Bhagavan? He is very smart, clever. One day he went down to drink water, a fish was stuck in his mouth. Now he was taken to hospital. The fish was stuck in his throat. When x-ray came, the doctor asked, “Oh, you eat live fish?” He said, “No no no, I don’t eat live fish.” You should not lie to Guru, mother, and doctor. So he told the doctor, “I was drinking water below the Yamuna and the fish got stuck in my throat.” So Arthapatti is famous; he is Nirjala Baba. But no, he is actually not Arthapatti;

Now Abhava. Like beyond the pillar, somebody is sitting, you cannot see him. Maybe there is some vessel behind the pillar but you cannot see it. So not to see is “anupalabdhi”. This is known as abhav praman. This is also not correct.

“Sambhav” means possibility. Like in 1000, 100 is possible will do Janamashtami. One person rose his hand and indicated 5 with his 5 fingers to his servant – that could mean 500, 5,000, 50,000, 500,000 or anything, any possibility.

“Aitijhya” – history. Somebody spoke something but you don’t exactly know but because we have been listening about it, we are believing it. Like “itihaaskar” – one who is Historian, he is speaking this happened, this happened. Who wrote it? You don’t know. Where is the proof? You don’t know. We don’t know. But because he is speaking, you are believing. Whoever has written it doesn’t know where the proceed is, but because he’s speaking of believing there can be conduct part of writing a newspaper, they such news that somebody, whatever he told, they write, Ohh, this is man presented like a fact; this is like history; somebody told something happen and just presented them; there is no proof to it, but it really happened.”

“Cheshta” means trying to present something like deep trying that is cheshta-like from son as Oh mother, how big is the mango tree? Mother raising her hand, Oh, the tree can be that big. It can be a bigger mango tree; it is huge. She cannot even touch the leaf figure with one of her hands. She tries to stretch her levels, but she is trying to indicate.”

Shabd pramaan means apauruṣeya, which means not by human or a man, so by God, it is a transcendental sound vibration that is known as shabd pramaan. Mool pramaan is the best evidence of shabd pramaan, like the Veda. The Veda is called apauruṣeya; it has not come from some human; it comes from God directly, so shabd pramaan is mool pramaan, and shabd pramaan is the best. Pramaan transcendental vibration Whatever Veda will say, we have to accept. Today, all the inventions that are taking place are behind every mention. It is like a line of stone that can never be erased or rubbed, rocket and all pattern petrol bomb, hydrogen bomb. We listened to them early; it was there in all the scriptures mentioned, but at that time it was so possible that certain bombs could destroy huge things. It will kill one person, one who will kill; it will kill a particular person.

Now come to Srila Jeeva Goswami’s balaya awastha (the childhood past time ). Jeeva goswami is the nephew of Roopa & Sanatana Gosvamies .”Gurudev says “we don’t find any references of the marriage of Srila Roopa goswami or Srila Sanatana goswami. But Vallabh, theirs 6th brother was married. That name was given by Mahaprabhu, and the name “Narottam” was also given by Mahaprabhu there is an explanation in chaitanya charitramrita. Nobody knew much about of Srila Roopa goswami or Srila Sanatana goswami, even their caste or family was not much known because they were very humble and did not mentioned anything personal about themselves. Srila Jeeva gosvami gave some imformation about them that they were born in a Brahminical family otherwise nobody could have known even this. Sriman Mahaprabhu after taking sanayas came to Puri. While coming to Vrindavan he reached Ramakeli gram/village. When Sriman Mahaprabhu reached the village there were Sakhar Mallick and Dabir Khas , Sakhar Mallick is Santana Goswami and Dabir Khas is Srila Rup Goswami. Srila Sanatan Goswami as Sakhr Mallick was the prime minister whereas Srila Rup Goswami as Dabir Khas was the finance minister as well as the private secretary of the King. Anupam also used to work, there. When Sriman Mahaprabhu came Srila Rup Goswami and sanatan goswami came in disguise or in simple dress not in beautiful dresses. Srila Jiv goswami was there who got touch of mahaprabhus holy feet. Mahaprabhu said , this is not the way to go to Vrindavan and went back, later came to Vrindavan. Mahaprabhu had told them that send Jiv goswami to school, he became very smart, well intelligent. First of all he got the charan sparsh of mahaprabhus lotus feet and later he came to Nabadwip. Big saints like Brahma, Shiv they cannot have darshan of Nityanand prabhus lotus feet which Sriman Nityanand prabhu kept on Jiva goswamis head. From where did Nabadwip parikrama started , Nityanand prabhu was first who took Jiva Goswami and did the parikrama. Before that nobody have done the parikrama.


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